ALWIL Avast 4.0 - not fully uninstalled

Many years ago, I had installed Avast 4.0 which was removed using Add/Remove program. I was in the process today of installing Kaspersky IS 2010 but it would not install as it found Avast 4.0 somewhere in my PC which it said had to be removed due to incompatibility. >:(

It was NOT listed in Control Panel Add/Remove so I ran a Search in Windows Explorer C: Boot drive for ALWIL, Avast but nothing was found in any Subfolder, System Folder, Hidden Files & Folders. So where is it and how do I find the file(s) to remove? ???

The removal Tool offered to be used in ‘Safe Mode’ requires you to know the path & Folder but this is not known. Does anyone know how to find the bits left behind on my PC after uninstalling it years ago?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4, this may differ if you aren’t using XP as the path to the program files may be different.

I have XP SP3, 3.20GHz, 2047MB.

I spent a couple of hours looking at every file within C: and could not find any entry within any folder for either ALWIL or Avast.

Is it possible something has been left in the registry?

I use Ccleaner, Registry Mechanic, Auslogics, Super-antispyware and others but they have not found any fragments left.

My PC is ‘clean’, optimised and fully protected.

I have asked Kaspersky to explain what ‘part/file’ of Avast it may have found and whether their software could identify the path/folder.

The reply was - ‘not our responsibility’. I said you have just lost a customer + 6 more PC 's in the family.


Take a look at c:\Windows\temp

Maybe there is an “avast” folder left over.

And clean the registry. You can use CCleaner for that.

No sign of anything relating to Avast here :- ‘Take a look at c:\Windows\temp’

The PC is ‘cleaned’ every week using 3 different software, Ccleaner, AVG 9.0 [Free] and Super-Antispyware. I also use Malwarebytes monthly, Spybot, Spyware Blaster to keep ‘bugs at bay’!

I remember installing Avast years ago as a ‘stop gap’ or to ‘trial’; I had forgotton all about it until Kaspersky said it had to be uninstalled.

p.s. Installed AVG 9.0 Free as a Anti-virus stop-gap as I can not install KIS]

Hmmm… that is indeed strange.

The only idea I would have is this: Install the free version 5 with standard settings (as you would have done with ver 4, I suppose) and then use the aswclear5.exe removal tool. Maybe the process of updating and subsequent deletion does the trick…

But this is by no means a professional advice. 8)

If you have run the avast Uninstall Utility, using the path I gave then all hard disk files/locations and registry entries should be gone.

Plus as you say you have used other registry cleaners and nothing found, it would appear to have gone completely or avg9 would probably have objected also. Weird that kaspersky found something and more so that they weren’t very helpful for a potential new customer.

I am now confused!

How can I enter a path [C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4] into the Uninstall Utility as you suggested if the path does not exist?

I had already tried to use the ‘Uninstall Tool’ in ‘safe mode’ [as instructed by Kaspersky] but stopped as the path / folders were not there to select/enter and after several hours looking for them, I gave up.

I did a comprehensive search of C: for the entries ALWIL & Avast4 and nothing was found.

Thanks for your suggestion - have I still missed something?

You can manually enter the path in the uninstall utility.
It will still run and delete anything in the registry - which iss the only place, as I believe, where remnants may be hidden.

DavidR - you are a genius!

I have just done what you suggested using aswclear.exe in ‘Safe Mode’ and this is what it reported with a message to say ‘Reboot to complete removal’.

Service avast! Antivirus - Removed
Resident protection - Removed
Explorer extensions - Removed
Registry - Removed
Program files - Removed
Program was successfully removed

I have learnt that you can enter a path that does not exist ‘in reality’

Thank you DavidR & Zyndstoff for your help ;D

I may try to install KIS again after removing AVG [It was FREE for a year for 3 PC’s]

Kind regards

Good to hear your probs are solved!
Good luck.
Not sure if you need an AVG removal tool also - but I should think so.
Search here:

Have a nice day.

Zyndstoff ;D

Hardly ;D
It is just that avast needs to know where to look to ensure everything has actually been removed as you aren’t forced to install it in the default location.

You’re welcome.

Given your experience with kaspersky support, once bitten twice shy ;D

You could give the new avast5 a test drive and see what you think.

That has a stand alone free and Pro (paid) antivirus option, there is also the new avast Internet Security suite. The later you could try for 30 days and it too has a 3 system license as I believe there are some good offers on this currently.