Hi European forum visitors,
American filmstudio’s secretely work on a plan to introduce digital rights management technology for European television sets, the digital rights watchdog Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) warns to-day. That organizations had access to secret meetings of the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB), a group that delivers specifications for television and video for Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa.
EFF now has proof that American film- and television corporations lobbied to convince DVB Project to develop new technical specifications by which DRM technology is added to television sets. These specifications are probably contrary to consumer rights, EFF warns. To use digital content legit consumers in the future will have to pay again and again and again. Link to proof:
In spite of record earnings American Film and TV studio’s insist that the new technology may ruin the industry. By convincing the members of the DVB Project studio’s can now further influence the rest of the world. “That the members of DVB are indifferent or rather hostile towards consumer rights is a big shame” according to Seth Schoen. The EFF now tries to warn European organisations of the new standards being introduced.
Well polonus thinks this will be brought in for computers as well, but in what way is still unclear.