I did a full scan of a computer, and it came back that it was unable to scan 2 similar files at:
Documents and Setting\owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
The files are both ampx_en_dl(1).cab\ampx.exe with different letter/numbers in front of them.
avast! said the archive was corrupt.
I am concerned because I cannot see these files, even when I have it set to view hidden files and not hide system files… Things hidden like that concern me.
Are these something to be concerned about? And… even if they are ‘safe’,’ why can’t I see them, and how do I get rid of them? avast! will not delete or move them - I tried. Can I just delete the whole Temporary Internet Files folder, and then replace it with a copy of a blank same named folder?
Are you using silent mode? If so, maybe, when you try to see the file avast has already take care of it.
Other possibility any ‘trick’ into the name of the path or the file (or the extension), the characters used that try to mask it from the antivirus.
I think you can’t delete the entire folder as it’s protected by Windows.
I think the solution could be in empty the Temporary Files folder and schedule a boot time scanning.
By examining 1) the reason given by avast! for not being able to scan the files, 2) the location of the files, you can get an idea of what program they relate to. In this case a cabinet file (archive) which is in your temporary internet files. As Tech said because it is a temp folder, I would just clear the temporary internet files (cache).
Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.
Well, I guess I should have given more info… I did try emptying Temporary INTERNET Items, and rescanned, and it is still there… Which is partly what bugs me. Not that I think it is malicious - I just hate hidden things like that.
I did find out that I can delete the Temporary Internet Files folder and start with a clean one using the procedures here