Since upgrading to v4, I get an error whenever windows starts.
Could you please share the "error message" with me so I can help you?
I am a bit confused about your ADSL line. Why does it take 2 minutes to “come up”? Isn’t the purpose of DSL to remain online all the time? Are you shutting down the hardware for some reason when not in use?
If the DSL line is active, then Avast should not have any trouble updating.
I can't find any option to delay the attempted update.
Are you saying that Avast pop-up window is telling you that there is a newer version of the program available? or the database?
There is no option to "delay" Avast from doing what you have it set to do.
If you have it set to "auto" update either program or database, then that is what it wants to do. If you have it set to "manual" update, then Avast is only notifying you that any update is available.
You will find these setting by opening up the main Avast scanner interface.
Then open up the Menu by using the small icon in the upper left corner and then go down to Updating. Set Avast as you wish.