hi all , a few days ago i did a search on google for my small village , i was looking for old maps , found and entry that dispalayed my name and addess etc , visited the site and found my information was in a sql file , name,email,homa address,phone number,mobile number etc etc , not clued up on sql files , or why this guy had this information on what looked like his web server , as of yesturday this web server was still viewable , but trying today it seems to be gone (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=angle.exe+abuse.txt&meta=)
i proded around so see what this guy was about ,he has photo’s and other stuff besides the sql file , and another file called angle.exe , gues what , i was silly enough to want to know what this file did , and ran it !!! , my life changed in 30 seconds…i have no idea exactly what its done , but just before it shut down a 16 bit ftp logo appeared in the top left of my screen…this bit i find worying…
the pc in question was shot , could hardly boot up , and files all over the place where corrupt ,referednces to angle.eXe & hiden system files ~angle.eXe where all over the place , other additions where RCX**.tmp files , and many more files with the eXe extension , scvhost was one i remember…
i rebuild the damaged pc , to onoy find after about 10 mins it contracted the same stuff , changed my router just in case , but did find all these files on my mapped network drives also , even when i plugged my usb stick into a different machine , it contacted the hidden ~angle.eXe file , so i’m safe in saying that all 5 of my pc’s got infected , 2 usb sticks , and a nas network drive along with them.
we both use our pc’s for work , and its our livelyhood , so you can imagine the headache this has caused , furhter digging found these files in ALL folders that had recent activity also , i haveno idea what is good and what is bad , and posibley 6 months of hard work down the drain…as the 4 backups i kept where all maped network drives , that have also got infected…cd’r from now on for me i think!!!
anyway , slowly i am introducing re built pcs back to me new routered network , all ready i am seeing attacks from the outside world , not sure if they are related though…
the first machine to get infected in not on the network now , i’m trying to salvage stuff from it , avast didnt pick up anything , but avg found the angle.eXe !!
is this the right place to get somebody to investigate , as i’d like avast to be able to pick it up in the future ?
Steve ,ps youd never belive i’m a computer engineer , and have been for years , an what i always tell people to NOT do , i do myslef out of nosyness…
“do not click on anything you are not sure about”