AnitEXE virsu

I’v got a P4 2.66; 512 MB RAM with XP Professional Version 4.0 Home addition has detected a virus in my MBR - AntiEXE but it does not remove it. How do I get rid of the Virus???

A real old Virus, try to verify this detection with a other scanner ( e.g. f-prot ). I think you use NTFS on your Bootpartition!?

Maybe the guys from Avast knows an easy way to delete that VIrus, otherwise you have to organise a Bootdisk from Win9X. It will not be able to access the Harddisk, but F-prot should be able to clean the MBR
or boot from your Winxpdisk and start the recovery console and type “fixmbr” or was it “fixboot”?
But like i say, test if it is no false alrm.

Thanks, When I tried to use the recovery program I got the following: "Setup has encountered an error and cannot continue. Contact technical support for assistance. the following codes will assist them in diagnosing the problem: <0X4, 0. 0. 0>

I’m going to search the web for mor info.

Before you do anything, mae a BACKUP! Not on the same Harddisk or an other partition of that infected Harddisk! If you do the wrong thing if you try to disinfect the Virus, you can lose ALL your Data!

Do not use old Doscleaner or things like Fdisk /mbr to clean Viruses( at least not on NTFS HDs).
Did you verify the infection, do you use a Bootmanager? If you use/have a fast internetconection you can download the Avast BART CD to do the job. But the way with F-prot will do it too.

Anyway, if you cleaned the Virus check all your Floppydisks if they contain the Virus too and change the Bootsequence in BIOS from A: to C:

FMI: Does your XP still boot? I thought Windows should at least alert you that it, at least the Drivecontrol, is running in safe mode

Thanks for the information. My system does not use NTFS because I’m using some programs that will not work with NTFS. I managed to remove AntiEXE from my MBR. Thanks for all the help provided. Fred