Hello, I ve recently updated to avast 15.2.9898.9149 and from this update Im just getting random network inspector popups with results of the “new network” inspected, and changing for default settings my already configured rules. Is there a way to stop it? I have already stopped the autoscan of new networks and already saved ones but still annoyin like around every 30 min
I also get this too, after recent update. Have tried turning off all notifications that I can find, and silent mode (which was set anyway), so would be interested to hear if anyone managed to work out how to turn it off. Otherwise, I’ll be looking for a new anti-virus …
Same with me. It all began with the last Avast update. Any pointers to the solution?
Hello. Thank you for reporting. We’re aware of this issue. It’s a bug that accidentally slipped into the last application release. It will be fixed with the next version.
Hi, I also have this really annoying bug - when is the next update scheduled for?
Can i please ask you to send us a support package when the window pops up again?
The more occurences of this bug we will gather, the easier it will be for us to fix.
Go to Menu → Settings → Troubleshooting → scroll to the bottom and click Send Logs → fill some description that we will recognize, like “Network Inspector pop-up” → send the report, and ideally post the ID into this thread.
Thank you.