Hi, on my wifes computer she is running avast 4.8 home and incredimail.
they have co-existed for at least 3 months with no problem. Until a couple of days ago when incredimail stopped connecting to our mail server pop.att.yahoo.com I checked her setting and they are correct. incredimail just says operation incomplete, then yesterday she got a virus alert for yahoo.com.
I checked today and found that it was a false positive and a update would fix that. It did, but She still cant get her mail.
I looked in start > programs > avast and did not find a email protection wizard. what is the path to it?
As you note the brief problem with a false positive affecting browser connections to yahoo.com yesterday was fixed (very quickly) and had nothing to do with connections to email servers.
There is no email wizard needed or available for users of the more modern operating systems (Win 2000, XP & Vista).
So a little more information would help.
What is the operating system?
What is the port setting for the connection to pop.att.yahoo.com? It seems most users connect to this server using port 995 and SSL. If this is the port being used in your case then avast is completely uninvolved - since it cannot and does not scan secure connections.
The point of SSL connections is that nobody can scan them. avast, by default, only scans ports 110 and 25 (for unsecured POP and SMTP) and does not scan the ports used for secure connections.
Now, if someone makes a change to the redirect ports in the Internet Mail provider of avast to force avast to scan port 995 connections then it will cause the connection to fail. So please check in the “Redirect” tab of the Internet Mail provider that the POP box does not contain port 995.
You can also simply terminate the Internet Mail provider of avast to remove all possible mail scanning by avast and then try Incredimail again.