Just had a new computer built and Avast was put on as the anti-virus. I’m noticing that I can’t open any attachments in my e-mails, so am assuming there is a setting somewhere controlling that. I just can’t seem to find out how to cure the situation. I like to be able to pick and choose which attachments I want to see. Some are from a very trusted source with good, up-dated virus protection. I use Outlook Express. I saw a reference to a “context” menu, and a “settings” menu but can’t figure out to find them, and am not sure that is what would help me. Same with a Wizard which I can’t find. Can someone help me???
Open Outlook Express.
Click on Tools>Options>Security
See if there is a check mark next to “Do not let attachments be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus”.
If it’s checked,uncheck it.
Should do the trick.
Thank you, Cousin Dave. I had gotten into that area a few times but thought it meant that it would not check anything for viruses, forgetting that it is Avast that does that and not Outlook Express. Sure did solve the problem.d Again, thanks.
Glad to help. ;D
Welcome to the Avast forums.
Theres a lot of helpful folks around here.
If I do that, dont allow attached files to be stored or opened, in Outlook express dosent that mean that all attached files are deleted infected or not?
Cant Avast check incomming mail for virus?
on my PC it dont!!
first when I open the mail with virus it wakes up!! :o
I have -so far - only recieved mail with virus from Yahoo…
I also have “on access protection control” -"outlook exchane "set on high, but it dosent work.
No reason to worry, everything seems to work like it should
Avast picks up the virus as soon as you try to open/read the mail, that is normal.
See it this way. It is a “on-access” scanner not a “on-incomming” scanner
to my opinion it would be more smart to get a warning BEFORE opening the mail…
But ok, thanx for you answer… ;D
avast can check pop3 email in advance, you have to be using the right provider for the email program you are using, Internet Mail for Outlook Express.
You say that the “Outlook Exchange” set to High, this is of no use if you are using Outlook Express, you should be using the Internet Mail provider.
If as you say, your only virus emails came from your Yahoo… account. Is this the web based mail or is it POP3 mail? If it is web based (http) mail, this is not protected by the internet mail provider (it uses a different protocol) and the on-access Standard Shield is your last line of defence.
To my opinion, wouldn’t it be smarter not to view suspicious emails ;D, better still don’t download them ;D ;D, use a program that can check mail at server level and delete Spam and Suspicious mail at source.
I use Mailwasher Pro (not sure if that works with Yahoo, it works with Hotmail, it has a 30 free trial), others on these forums use others.
I mean POP3, from Yahoo, using Outlook Express.
what do you mean when you say “Internet Mail provider”??
If I open a mail on web-based Yahoo and a virus is attacked to it, yahoo refuse to open it and mail is deleted…
Im not sure I understnad what you mean ;D
if you mean “Internet Mail” in “on acess svcanner” and not"Internet Mail provider" then I understnad I think, but its also set to “high”
There are two mail providers.
Outlook Exchange - this is for users of MS Outlook (not express) or MS Exchange mail programs.
Internet Mail - This is for Outlook Express and many other non Outlook/Exchange pop 3 mail programs. This is the one you should be using not as you stated in one of your posts.
I also have "on access protection control" -"outlook exchane "set on high, but it dosent work.
You need to read the avast Help file again in section ‘Setting up the Mail Protection.’
ahaa, but both has been set to high all the time…
anything special to be done to make it work?
I mean set up/installed ?
Its set to scan inbound mail (POP)
and outbound (SMTP)
ahaa, but you don’t need both, unless you have both MS Outlook and MS Outlook Express installed!
anything special to be done to make it work? I mean set up/installed ? Its set to scan inbound mail (POP) and outbound (SMTP)
I would start with what I said before, "
You need to read the avast Help file again in section ‘Setting up the Mail Protection.’ " Then run the mail protection wizard again, ensure that you have your mail program/s closed first.
Then - Please Help us to Help you - User’s FAQ - we need more information to be able to help fully. A visit to the - thread will give you a lot of useful advice and an idea of the information needed to Help you fully.
If that hasn’t resolved your problem then get back to us again. I would suggest starting a new thread rather than sharing/hijacking a thread that’s not related to your problem.