I have online armor premium which detects keyloggers but is that enough in combination with Avast to stop such a threat.
I would think that would be enough since avast also detects some keylogger programs.
Hi :
Might want to look into some “Speciality” anti-keylogger programs, such as :
Snoopfree @ www.snoopfree.com/PrivacyShield.htm
KeyScrambler @ www.qfxsoftware.com
Hi pinnacle,
If you use a router or a modem, I would suggest that you also utilize openDNS to further protect you while browsing on the internet.
+1 8)
Hi ken,
I use openDNS and hphosts.
hphosts, because you keep insisting on using it - installed it today.
You will want to use HostsServer as a local proxy to speed up the browser:
http://forum.abelhadigital.com/index.php?showtopic=553 <== I use 3.2.71 Beta7
oh sorry,
I forgot to mention that I use hostman to take care of it, as you do. but with the DNS service disabled. have you turned it on?
I disable the DNS Client service as my systems are not part of an Active Directory domain controllers:
ok got the Key Scrambler not to sure i want that OpenDNS. I am only an average user. do not understand all the jargon . i should be fine
The average user is the person who needs the protection the most.
Then there are people that are so paranoid that they install so much protection that their system slows to a crawl then wonder why.
bob3160 post:11: pinnacle post:10:ok got the Key Scrambler not to sure i want that OpenDNS. I am only an average user. do not understand all the jargon . i should be fine
The average user is the person who needs the protection the most.
Then there are people that are so paranoid that they install so much protection that their system slows to a crawl then wonder why.
Fully agree but the beauty of openDNS is that it does it’s job without slowing your system down.
But some even with two protection their computer are already slow!
This is the difference between new computer and the old ones~_^!
I got the Key Scrambler but this program only works when you on Internet.
Have a nice day.