Anti-theft 4.2.0 Stealth not working + commands via Mobile network

Hi guys. I’ve installed this on 2 phones.

  1. Xperia Z2a on Android 6.0.1
  2. Samsung Grand Prime on Android 5.0.2


  1. On Xperia - Stealth not working at all and Anti-theft is visible everywhere (Applications, Connections, Accounts, etc.). Commands working just fine regardless of connection type (WiFi or 3G Mobile)

  2. Grand Prime - Same case with Stealth function - not working at all and it’s visible everywhere. Commands working when on WiFi connection only, and phone cannot be contacted at all when on 3G Mobile network.

Any solutions…?

Hi, see:

So, no more working free Anti-theft apk from Avast…? OK. Thank you for the info

You’re welcome. (You can still use the old version as is.)

Yes, but - what’s the point if functions not working, like in case of this Samsung and 3G connection :slight_smile:

I believe that much better solution for Avast would be to keep Anti-theft app as separate, and to create some subscription plan like Cerberus, etc. :slight_smile:

Well, don’t shoot the messenger. :wink:

Of course not :smiley:
Just my suggestion :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: 8)