anti-theft feature on tablet?

Hello all :slight_smile:

I currently have the latest version of avast! for android mobile. I never tried installing the anti-theft feature, as I thought it was only supported on phones? Just wondering if that has changed, as I would love to have anti-theft protection on my rooted Toshiba Thrive 10.1…android version 4.0.4, running DaleNet IMM76D.01.000072314.

Thank you


avast! Mobile Security and avast! Anti-Theft could run in phones or tablets, rooted or non-rooted, 3G ou Wifi only.

It “could”, but does it? Is there any documentation? Any evidence? Any suggestions for setup?

Anti-Theft runs on my Archos 101 G9 Tablet.


Archos 101 G9 Tablet - I just googled, and it looks like it has 3G. Is that correct?

The tablet in the OP, Thrive, is a WiFi-only device. Has GPS.

Yes, it has (optional) 3G. But i only use Wifi connection.
