Anti-virus is dead.

Hi malware fighters,

Signatures based stand-alone anti-virus and anti-spyware are as dead as they can be. These are the words of the leaving Gartner analyst by the name of Amrit Williams. The workings of av has been the topic of discussion before, but never before an analyst has been so outspoken against the av-vendors as Williams.

According to Williams signature based av does not protect, and has never protected against spyware and other dangerous threats. It could not halt blaster, sasser and slammer, could not stop the theft at ChoicePoint nor the leaking of confidential information at countless of firms.

It merely renders some form of protection against bots, and finds it hard to detect rootkits. It does not perform port nor protocol blocking, does not protect against data theft, and does not do much to enhance your system protection. What it does 'though is slowing down your system, and add considerably load.

Towards the end of 2007 stand-alone av will have ceased to exists, and multi-layered protection will have taken its place.



thanks for the info polonus-my friend :smiley:
question…what are you gonna feed the dragon when he wakes up??? ???
and click on the link below and watch the movie trailers…i want to see this 8)

There are not many stand along Antivirus scanners left. the two that come to mind are Avast and Command. Both are still Antivirus programs compared to say F-Secure which has like 5 engines now (Antivirus, Antisyware, Antirootkit etc)

A very old heuristic dectection… He seems to be a fan of HIPS and 0-day defense… :slight_smile:

An antivirus is an antivirus. For other things there are antirootkits, antispywares, firewall…
C’mon, who this guy think about programming? What does he want? A suite, an-all-in-one-bloatware-protection-of-everything? :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, use HIPS and 0-day defense or antirootkits, antispywares, firewall, updated OS, etc.

Man, he must pay for us if this does not happen ;D

what are you gonna feed the dragon when he wakes up??? Huh and click on the link below and watch the movie trailers..i want to see this Cool

drhayden1 thank you for posting this link, it made my day!!!

lol i like that dragon sleep icon on the top i hope you don’t mind if i borrow it from ya :wink: