Firstly Id like to say thank u for providing such an awesome app for free! - i subscribe to avast for pc and love ur products.
i have just installed avast anti theft to my Rooted Htc Sensation.
Control from ther website works perfect. I tested the remote Wipe and it worked first time.
I setup hard reset protection, Store settings, Direct Write Method AND recovery image method
After the restart, avast anti theft is still installed like it should be , but the Settings are lost. So accessing Avast anth theift to track the mobile or lock it after a factory reset does not work as I needed to re-input my account username and password (which a thieft obv. would not no or do lol)
What did I do wrong guys? I thought Avast would survive a factory reset including its settings?
got same problem on samsung galaxy Y s5360 (rooted), after hard reset (using 3 keys Home,VolUp and PowerUp) , avast anti theft survives but not with his settings . If i login into my google account the setting are back . There is any solution to this problem?
In my situation i am using a model for loking screen or a password (prevent unautorized access) . If a thief gets hand on my phone it has no option , only the reset can bypass my lock screen and will do so leaving avast anti theft without settings . My chances to get back the phone are gone in this case .
Hope you understand, thanks.
i got a Samsung Galaxy Beam I8530 and got exactly the same problem.
I install Antitheft rootet and check it via the settings. Afterwards I perform a factory wipe holding the Volume+Power+Home button. My phone wipes itself. I still can see Antitheft in the /system/ + in the Application List with its given hidden Name. So its running BUT no settings are stored. Means I can NOT connect to the device via Web User Interface.
The really problem is that Antitheft states that its installed correctly in HARD RESET and the users are trusting that this mechanism works. My phone was stolen and, obviously, because of this issue I can not connect to it.
1.) Hopefully anybody can help me because without this feature its not so useful?
2.) Where are the settings stored in antitheft so they survive a wipe (username / password for the avira webpage etc.)? The application is in /system/
As chaosengine already mentioned if I do this i can access the device again:
1.) AVAST ANTITHEFT as root installed, afte WIPE → NO ACCESS
2.) Log In to Gogle Account On device, Afterwards Reboot Device → ACCESS
So it is connected with the google account somehow? Unfortunately a thief won’t access my account :P. I can check if its general connected with a google account or my specific one. Anyway, even without google account Antitheft should have access to the device?
Avast Anti theft app is still there after hard reset , but the settings are no more and application is accesible form menu , is no more hidden . Widouth setings is obvious that web user interface is not working and useless.
Здравствуйте. У меня такая проблема. Установил Anti-Theft. Внес изменения с рутовыми в файл восстановления. Восстановил настройки телефона к заводским параметрам. Anti-Theft Присутствует в системе. Но в (настройках - безопасность-администраторы устройства) для Anti-Theft нет галочки. Получается что после жесткого сброса к заводским параметрам, Anti-Theft оказывается бесполезным.
Помогите мне пожалуйста.