
Recently i was infected with the rouge anti-virus AntiVermins when things started to pop up i thought cool no prob,If it got through avast then ill just scan for it but when i did it detect no virus but did detect so Trojans that were with it. Now normally if i do a scan with avast it does so with a vengeance but this time it didn’t detect the one thing i wanted again i thought i wounder if its a false alarm so i scan with it again and still nothing so i decide to install some other anti virus i have on a flash drive an it detects the one thing that avast did not the AntiVermins im just making this thread because avast has protected me so far and this one thing is on too many times also i didn’t see a “report a new virus” subject so can it please be in an update? ??? ???

It is a rogue anti-spyware and not an anti-virus, these are usually downloaded along with something else an offer to good to resist (something you initiated), etc. and they aren’t in themselves viruses so other than the pop-ups and attempts to get you to but something to protect your system they don’t act like viruses so are unlikely to be detected by an anti-virus.

A new tool available from Rubber Ducky here

A sample of the targets
Ads Alert, Adware Bazooka, Adware Filter, Adware Punisher, AdwareDelete, AdwarePatrol, AdwareRemover, AdwareSheriff, AdwareSpy, AlertSpy, AlfaCleaner, Anti Virus Pro, AntiSpyware Soldier, AntiVermins, AntiVirus Golden, BraveSentry, CleanX, Doctor Adware, Doctor Adware Pro, Easy Spyware Killer, ETD Security Scanner, HitVirus, KillAndClean, KillSpy, PAL Spyware Remover, PestBot, PestCapture, PestTrap, RazeSpyware, RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover, Remedy AntiSpy, Spy Defence, Spy iBlock, Spy-Kill, SpyAxe, SpyCut, SpyDeface, SpyDestroy Pro, SpyFalcon, SpyHeal, Spyinator, SpyLax, SpyNoMore, SpySheriff, SpyTrooper, Spyware Disinfector, Spyware Quake, Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced), Spyware Stormer, SpywareBot, SpywareCleaner, SpywareStrike, SpywareThis, SystemDoctor 2006, The Spy Guard, TitanShield AntiSpyware, Ultimate Defender, VirusBlast, VirusBurst, WinAntiSpyware 2006, WinAntiVirus 2006

Here is another tool

noahdfear’s SmitFraud, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, et. al., removal tool – SmitRem.exe

AntiVermins, the latest widespread infection in the rogue anti-spyware products, has renamed itself to AntiVerminser.