Hi I was wondering if avast! alerts you that you will need a new license key before your old one expires in the home version.
I think not.
Only if you buy avast! Professional version at ShareIt, this service will inform you that your license is at the end.
I think it does.
Only users of avast! Home with “Customer number” <1 000 000 are currently informed by e-mail, others are informed only by program itself.
Customer number is XXXXXXX in the license key - ZXXXXXXXZYYYYYYYYY-YYYYYYYY
So, what is this? http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=16147.msg136635#msg136635 :
I wasn’t talking about e-mail notifications - the original question was “if avast! alerts”; so yes, I believe a notification popup should appear.
Is that notification prior to expiry or after is i think what justin was asking
Prior (and also after, of course ;))
Hi, I’m a little confused, I’ve got a message saying that my licence has expired. Is the home version freeware or trailware? Do I now need to buy the product?
You need to register for free, once a year. Here is the link: http://www.avast.com/3.php?lang=ENG , insert the registration code (that will be sent to you by e-mail) into the program & you’re done.