Hi malware fighters,
On a lot of web forums you can read how to manually uninstall fake software like Antivrus XP 2008 (and even Antivirus 2009) , a lot of users forget the fact that during the infection their OS already has been compromised and for these instances only completely formatting your hard disk and a fresh reinstall of the OS will restore a secure computer environment. When such a thing occur firms will isolate their infected machines, survey them and do a fresh and complete install. Many users do not realize the consequences of some infections.
The problem is that you cannot be sure what the malware did/has done to your system and to what an extent. In the case of Antivirus 2008 the scareware is being spreaded by botnets, You may have uninstalled the scareware, the bot-infection is a still there, and before you know it new malware can be forwarded onto your machine. Read here: http://www.marshal.com/trace/traceitem.asp?article=724
Do not hobby with a manual removal routine, but choose a complete format, it is easier than one thinks, read: http://lifehacker.com/software/windows/geek-to-live-how-to-format-your-hard-drive-and-install-windows-xp-from-scratch-157578.php
Friends, I got the above info on a Dutch security forum. Do our members think, I think of the ASAP people here like Oldman and Essexboy and others, that with decent analysis tools the cleansing of an infected system can be done profoundly (DDS-Comboscript- Hijackthis- Run Scanners etc.) or do we throw the glove into the ring and say aloud: “Hands up to the malcreants, the only escape is a total format”. I think there is always room for a system restore (if a date of infection is known) and non-compromised data backup returns should help,
Your friend, polonus like to hear the views of the experienced malware fighters on this matter?
polonus aka Damian