I’m just new to the forum and to Avast! I am currently using ZASS 6.5, but the AV portion has become corrupted and probably isn’t working. I’ve read 7.x is a nightmare for many people, and, in fact ZA’s solution for my problem (“clean uninstall and reinstall”) is a nightmare for some as well. I’m looking at a change of venue here. If I do go through the whole huge procedure of doing this “clean uninstall”, which includes editing the registry (I don’t want to go into the registry!), I won’t be putting this program back onto my computer. Which brings me to Avast!
Has anyone here made the switch to Avast! from ZASS, and I mean the whole security suite, not just the firewall or a free version of ZA? And if so, did you follow the entire procedure of searching for and manually deleting the lengthy list of files and then going into the registry, etc? Or did you manage to run Avast! successfully after just running ZA’s uninstall program? Or did you follow their tech forum advice and change the properties of the uninstall by adding /clean to it?
Thanks so much for any info.