Any Ideas how to disable Safe Zone from Vista Sidebar??

Hello Board,
I have been using free Avast for a good many years now :slight_smile: and finally, a couple of months ago, upgraded to Avast 6 Pro. So far I had no problems until the latest update that installed Safe Zone in my system. It opens at startup a gadget in my Vista sidebar, and I have to keep on clicking it off every single time ::).
I’ve looked everywhere for a way how to disable it but in vain… >:(
Perhaps the Avast design team forgot to include a dedicated “disable gadget at startup” feature. If so, it should then be in order for a relevant update ASAP
Thanks for your time reading this post and any ideas would be welcome!! :smiley:

1/ Just close it - or
2/ Right-click and Uninstall - or
3/ Do not install it in the first place (Custom Install) - or
4/ Modify the avast! install from Control Panel applet and uncheck it.

P.S. May I suggest to use since this has been answered about 100 times here.

The safe zone is dormant unless you initiate it.

The gadget has nothing to do with safe zone or vice versa.

This happened because it was an update rather than a clean install as that also placed the gadget in the shared gadgets folder and it is that which restores it.

Control panel → Programs and Features → avast! → Change → uncheck the box “avast! gadget”

thanks Doktornotor, thanks David!
That was a fast response and it worked smooth as butter… :smiley:
I had looked everywhere for a solution but I wouldn’t have thought poking the uninstall/change feature!
Thanks again…

No problem, glad I could help.

Welcome to the forums.