Anyone else today experiencing failure to connect to microsoft updates

Just wondering??? This what i get trying to connect and i can go any website except there.The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.

Its Patch Tuesday and they could be getting ready to release the new batch of updates.

Seems to work for me.

Works for Me, Just got my updates (2).

2 for Windows 7 and 12 for XP Pro for me.

Just tried it again now, same error message that i posted initially. is there a repair or something to fix update maybe its broken ?

Well, what you’re describing, it doesn’t even look like you can get to the page. If there was a problem that you could fix, you should be at least able to access the page, then if there was a problem, there would be an error code. Do you have another computer on the same network (using the same DNS server, and internet access connection) that you could try? Or, at the very least, use a different web browser on that machine to see if you can even access ?

no i do not have another computer, and microsoft in their infinite wisdom suggest to get the latest windows update agent and to do that they suggest microsoft update this is nuts. there is no code it just states this [b]The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.
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Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues) [/b] i just tried that link you gave me scythe944 to no avail same thing came up on the page

This looks like a fun fix:

Jeez… a google search on this could go on for days. I hope one of them helps ya

well frack it i do not understand the repair and on the page that gives the message there is no specific error message numbrer just a red x. the hell with it i give up. ill reformat its easier

OKAY, after having a brain fart i realized one thing , make that two no three, First i can be too hasty, Second forgot to thank all those who replied to my peril, thank you all third, i forgot all about Dial-a-Fix that it could repaired and reset the windows update. UTE OWE !, IT’S A SHAME I REALIZED THIS AFTER I TOOK A SLEDGEHAMMER TO MY PC no just kidding it worked and windows update all fixed.

Because there’s typically a very heavy load on their servers on Patch Tuesday, I usually wait till a day or two later to check for updates.

Reformatting makes no sense. Simply wait a day or two and try updates again. :slight_smile: