Anyone have the answer

Posting here in fear the question got buried in last thread.

In the Process Guard program. I globaly gave full protection to all programs. In the list, I add an allow to let programs only to get there updates. I have gotten all to work, yet avast will not hook up.( for downloads - Not enouigh user rights it says to perform this task )) I have put all EXE files that reside in the AVASt folder( gave them all ALLOW rights), yet still no go. i wrote in the PG forums, and this was the reply…

I am pretty certain that it is another executable file that is probably not in the main Avast folder but possbly in Windows system32 folder or one of it’s sub folders.
Avast support should be able to tell you which of it’s files call up a service/driver and then you can make the necessary allows.

So, if anyone knows this program, or what am i supposed to allow other than what is in avast folder please let me know. Right now I have turned off Global rejects to allow for updates, but with that haxdoor virus that wiped out all all my comp and all protection programs, I would like to set it up Globally again.


I’m using ProcessGuard successfully with Avast. Updates work just fine.
Here’s my setup:

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\setup\avast.setup
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\setup\avast~1.set
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- Allow Drivers/Service Install

Long Path :- c:\windows\system32\avastss.scr
Short Path :- c:\windows\system32\avastss.scr
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- Allow Global Hooks

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashserv.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashserv.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- Allow Global Hooks

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashcmd.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashcmd.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashdisp.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashdisp.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashenhcd.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashenhcd.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashmaisv.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashmaisv.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashquick.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashquick.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashsimpl.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashsimpl.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ashupd.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\ashupd.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\aswboot.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\aswboot.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\aswregsvr.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\aswreg~1.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\aswupdsv.exe
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\aswupdsv.exe
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- None

Hope it helps ;D

One trick you’ll have to play. You’ll need to grant permissions for avast4\setup\avast.setup (#17 above), but this file doesn’t exist other than for a brief period (during updates, I think). So, go to your avast4\setup directory and create the file (it can contain anything, or even nothing). Configure the permissions (as above) into PG and then delete the file you temporarily created. It’s probably this trick that you’ve been missing.

Thank you so much… I did all except for 1, which i can not find anywhere

Long Path :- e:\program files\alwil software\avast4\setup\avast.setup
Short Path :- e:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\setup\avast~1.set
Blocked Flags :- Write,Terminate,Suspend,SetInfo
Allow Flags :- None
Option Flags :- Allow Drivers/Service Install

im in c: so thats not it…I asume it should be in the avast folder, yet it is not

With all thus far, no work still… where in the heck is the missing one , that may be it…???

this is what pg or avast says when it tells me not enough access when initaiting a download…

01.07.2004 18:17:56 registry: ERROR!:Cannot access registry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TestService, error code: 0x00000002
01.07.2004 18:17:56 general: Err:Not enough user rights to continue.

No one has a solution???

Did you try my solution to the missing file (see the bottom on my post above)? That’s what I had to do to get it to work.

I even seem to recall an error message along the same lines as you say.

  1. go to your Avast installation directory
  2. go to the “Setup” subdirectory
  3. from Explorer, rt click New->Text Document. Call it “avast.setup”
  4. set permissions for this file in PG (as shown above)
  5. delete the avast.setup file.

Good luck

Bro you did it…I would kiss ya right now if you were a girl, a hug if dude…Needless to say , that did it…Awesome…Thank you so much

Datagg, does this mean that PG does not check (validate) the file?
Only checks the file name? Well, could we call this protection? ::slight_smile:

Anyway, glad you have your avast back… 8)

No tech it does, but the setup.ovr is just for a brief moment, so I guess it wasnt able to validate it enough to run the command. The .ovr turns into the avast.setup… I noticed it earlier today, when I was watching folder, and ran a update, the ovr would dissapear, then the avast.setup woudl show up in its place. So ealrier, I gave the ovr rights…but, that didnt work. It wasnt till, the dude here mentioned about making the effect of the avast.setup was in folder all the time. So by making a text file, and calling it avast.setup, then giving that full rights, then delete it in the folder, worked. I assume because the ovr turns into the setup for only a brief moment, so PG didnt have the time to give it rights… Its really hard to explain, but it works and well. i ran the PG killer program to try to shut off all points of avast, and no go…So that did the trick…

Im sure many more will have this same problem, so im gald the info is here and searchable for otehrs.

Thanks tech for all of your help. And thank you cjtc for that great idea to simulate the proccess…worked like a charm…

Peace all…

Glad to have helped.


Some Newbie. Stick around and join us. we could use your expertise.
Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

ROTFL. Newbie here, yes. But 23 years in the computer industry, so I’m an “Oldbie” really. I do keey my eyes out here, but only butt in when I feel I can offer something.

See you around.

I too am in the computer field, but damn that one had me stumped.

Thanks again bro…

All of you have safe and happy holiday k
