Anyone know what this threat is possible false positive

I wasn’t downloading anything i stepped away from my laptop and when i returned this message was popped up. I’m not 100% what AWCC is but when i googled it it shows AlienWare Command Center which makes since i have that installed on my laptop. whether its Alienware related i don’t know, i moved it to quarantine for now.

IDP.HEUR.26 is the threat name not sure what it is.

Can anyone tell me if this is a threat or if its a false positve thanks.

EDIT: I downloaded the latest Alienware command center which was from Dell’s website. Scanned it it was clean so i installed it and the install ran without issue.

Please attach your screenshot to your next post, many won’t visit unknown 3rd party sites.

IDP.HEUR.26 - IDP (Intrusion Detection Protection), HEUR = Heuristic, the method of detection and the number, defining which heuristic detection (I guess, the first two elements of the detection being more important).

Sorry i couldn’t see the attach option at first

No problem.

As you aware of this setup_5.5.35.0.exe is, e.g. is this something you downloaded (Alienware command center).

As this was something intentional, a program you had downloaded or an update, etc. then there is a little less concern. As this is (or appears to be) the case the Detection is by the Behavior Shield, it is more of what the installation wants to do might be considered suspect.

I’m not familiar with the Avast One program version, but it should be similar to the Avast Antivirus Free that I’m using.

If you choose the Move to Quarantine option and it is in there. You could open the Quarantine and select Send for analysis and give a brief description of the problem. A link to this topic would help give more information than you could input on the submission.

If you didn’t send it to Quarantine:
Then you can use the - Reporting a Possible False Positive File or Website -
You should get a response in a day or two.
Same drill here give a link back to this topic as it contains a lot of information that should help.

This is something it downloaded or updated itself. I only downloaded the .exe after the detection just to see if it would flag the install which it didn’t. Maybe because the app downloaded the update itself Avast flagged it.

That is a possibility.

The thing that I find strange is that this is a detection by the Behaviour Shield (as in your image), if it was a detection on the downloaded file (rather than its actions) I would have expected the detection to have been made by the Web Shield.