Anyone uses a diferent Theme for XP?

Anyone changed the XP deafult Theme to any other nice Theme?

Wanted to know if theres any safe nice one i could get.

Royale Theme is Microsoft compatible and very nice black :wink:

Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

hey techie

gimme the link to royale black.

i got blue from softpedia
Or google Royale Noir theme.

thats not working on my system. i get a theme of mixed windows classic theme and xp theme.

I use windows 7 theme. I got it from winmatrix.

You may run it through Windows Blinds, but I highly disagree on use of WB since it modifies a lot in the registry.

Instead, to use 3rd party themes, you can use either of the two:

(1) Tune Utilities
(2) Uxtheme Patcher

*I use uxtheme patcher because it use less memory since it simply change window’s theme settings to allow 3rd party themes instead of WB and TU that uses some memory to generate the theme.

nmb, strange. I have used that theme in a lot of systems. Never failed.
It’s fully Microsoft compatible, no need for software installs, driver patching, nothing, zero, nada.

that is what i did. i got the installer from softpedia. i’ll try and get the screenshot if possible.