Anyone using JShelter here?

An extension that works additionally next to either NoScript and/or uMatrix.

Somehow with this additional protection installed in the browser one cannot log on to many an account. :frowning:
Someone here on the forums has experience with this additional protection extension/add-on? :stuck_out_tongue:

polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold reconnaissance website security analyst and website error-hunter)

Hi, for the interested ones:

Hi Asyn,

JShelter is still in their early stages of development. When active as an extension next to uMatrix I cannot log on to the forums here.

On the other hand avast does a lot of tracking all sorts, see:

According to 28% of content on avast dot com is being used for various tracking purposes. That’s a lot with 35 trackers for avast’s as 6,8 per website is average.


Hi Damian, correct - I might try/test it later on…

That I find strange,
I have uBlock Origin, uMatrix, Disconnect, Privacy Badger and DuckDuckGo Privacy essentials and all I see in the way of blocking is as I haven’t allowed that in any of the above.

I guess that doesn’t use any blockers of any kind, to gage the tracker activity for and not specifically for

But even if I disable the previously mentioned add-ons above for I don’t see a whole lot of trackers listed and even then I think some of those would be related to European GDPR privacy related to opt out, etc.

Hi DavidR,

I also was astonished with the mentioned 35 trackers reported for avast dot com:
Essential Onetrust & Google
Cdn also Google
Advertising Google, Facebook, Appnexus inc, The Tradedesk;
Site analytics Conversant, Exponential interactive, Akamai techn., Hotjar, Verizon, Onesoon, Segment, Pingdom, Sentry, Pardot;
Social media Microsoft & Twitter;
Customer Interaction Trustpilot.

While for Epic Umbrella extension mentioned that only avast dot com and forum dot avast com, [ffoo::] (multicast address) and google-analytics are being pinged from our forums domain.
Only google-analytics being blocked inside my browser. Page NOT indexable.

The above was found while siting behind a a Digital Ocean encrypted proxy from London, UK.

I did not see any of this running a sniffer on the wire of my connection either,


Well, I usually don’t comment on OT stuff, but Dave is certainly right that 35 trackers on is false/nonsense.

I strongly suggest to get rid of the proxy, it’s propably doing more harm than good. Get a decent VPN (if needed).

Hi Asyn,

You may have a point there, considering:
I will disable it henceon. The proof of the puding is in the tasting. Scan, check and knowledge gained. :wink:


Checked this developer cloud website - DigitalOcean - in another browser and found that Tracker SSL warns for tracking by trackers not protecting from NSA snooping are:
At least 9 third parties know you are on this webpage.

Website with 22% of ads being blocked and 11% of tracking blocked. uMatrix blocks 2 e.g. and

ClearURLs re-wrote 115 scripts


Hi Damian,

Now you have dropped the Digital Ocean encrypted proxy, it might be worth checking and see what you get for now :slight_smile:

Hi DavidR,

That is -googletaskmanager,,, and is being blocked for me. Host has one vulnerability.

Scripts according to Quick Source Viewer:

HTML 144,080 bytes, 1704 nodes

Javascript 19 (external 11, inline 8)​gtm.js?id=GTM-PZ48F8​OtAutoBlock.js
INLINE: /* * This entire block is wrapped in an IIFE to prevent polluting the scope of
631,361 bytes​otSDKStub.js​one-trust.js
INLINE: /*! Declare GTM dataLayer */ window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || ;
630 bytes

INLINE: const gpcValue = navigator.globalPrivacyControl; if (gpcValue) { dataLay
119 bytes

INLINE: (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||;w[l].push({‘gtm.start’: new Date().getTime(),
396 bytes​polyfill.min.js
INLINE: document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.repl
101 bytes

INLINE: (window.BOOMR_mq=window.BOOMR_mq||).push([“addVar”,{“rua.upush”:“false”,"rua.c
366 bytes

INLINE: !function(a){var e=“-",t="addEventListener”;if(
3,032 bytes

INLINE: window.avastGlobals = window.avastGlobals || {}; window.avastGlobals.web = { d
1,528 bytes​cash.js​avast.js​bootstrap-native.js​index.js​cmp-oops.js​cmp-trustpilot.js
CSS 8 (external 2, inline 6)
INLINE: :root {display:none !important;}
44 bytes INJECTED

INLINE: iframe[src="-
275 bytes INJECTED​index.css

INLINE: -a.gootranslink:link {color: #0000FF !important; text-decoration: underline !impo
2,944 bytes INJECTED

INLINE: /* cyrillic-ext */ @font-face { font-family: ‘Montserrat’; font-style: norma
11,618 bytes INJECTED

INLINE: .BDTLL_status { cursor: pointer; display: inline; margin-right: 3px;
595 bytes INJECTED

INLINE: .BDTLL_icon_ok { background-image: url(
31,830 bytes INJECTED

JSON 1 (external 0, inline 1)
INLINE: { “@context” : “-”, “@type” : “Organization”, “name” : "Ava
808 bytes

Others 1 (external 1, inline 0)​embed.js

That’s all I can see now.


Strange much less than the initial 35 first reported :slight_smile:

When I check a ‘Live Connection’ to in my browser even with all my AdBlockers/Tracker add-ons disabled, it is much more reasonable than the fearful 35.

I think my experience would be very much the same for many people with add-blockers, etc.

Hi DavidR,

Could well mean exaggeration on behalf of
But a digital ocean proxy would not be free if it was not into user tracking,
and selling data to the highest bidder.

What I see is that with uMatrix and JShelter extensions both active I cannot log-on to,
because I get a continuing error in the matrix.

Therefore I guess JShelter is still in it’s development phase,
and not yet ready to be used by the many
(also it must have a special young category of 5 maintenance developers).

But without such experiments, one should never be the wiser, isn’t it.
Big Tech will just defend it’s own interests and a lot of tracking and monitoring would go well under the radar and will stay unknown to many an end-user.
You cannot worry all day long in the line of “You should not use Google, because it rids you of almost all of your digital data. Or for instance you cannot be on debian, because you will support Russian Orks (after Tolkien’s Orcs)”. In other words. One then should be sitting idle all day. But have an open mind and you will learn new facts all of the time. That is why I came to these here forums in the first place. (Thanks to avast forums).

For instance the trustpilot widget mentioned earlier by me one is not prefetched, not crawlable by bots, not indexable with only links being followed. This one will kick up errors from cloudfront in need of another “x-amz-cf-id” for it’s tag. Complicated? Yep, but this all goes on under the hood of your browser from
- (not being blocked).
Fails to load:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
SyncMessage.js:240 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check -
browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage @ SyncMessage.js:240
SyncMessage.js:241 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage @ SyncMessage.js:241
SyncMessage.js:255 syncMessage error in
- Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘XMLHttpRequest’: Failed to load ‘-https://[ff00::]/nscl/chrome-extension://ammoloihpcbognfddfjcljgembpibcmb/syncMessage?’. (response )
browser.runtime.sendSyncMessage @ SyncMessage.js:255
document_start.js:28 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘currentLevel’ of ‘undefined’ as it is undefined.
at configureInjection (document_start.js:28)
at document_start.js:80
VM55:81 audioblocktrue
VM55:130 canvasfont = true
in:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
(unknown) Settings loaded…
intercept.js:1 Filter Running…
/favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
in:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://gegfpbhjnhegdnjdkghhnneaocdbbhjp/firefox/
HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
in:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
That is why avast uses polyfill to adopt to all sorts of browsers.

Damian a.k.a. polonus

Thanks for taking the time to expand on this and the information on JShelter.

I guess it is still a little early to jump under that particular shelter just yet.