I am using AOL.COM email system. Does Avast scan incoming emails, and if not can I set it up to check the emails. I have Avast Internet Security that I paid for.
If the info i find here is correct, then AOL mail is only Web based http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AOL_Mail
AOL Mail (sometimes referred to as AIM Mail) is a web-based email (webmail) service provided by AOL.meaning avast cant scan it, since you are not using a mailprogram in your computer to download the mail to your pc, but read it online with your browser
but according to this, they have virus and spam scan on the mailserver
AOL Mail has the following features available at no cost:
Unlimited storage
25 MB attachments
Spam protection
Virus protection
Spell checking
Huh…! AOL still exists…!?? ;D 8)
One of the biggest problems with AOHell was their use of proprietary applications.
However, in this case it entirely depends on what application is used to view the emails. If an AOHell email client is used to convert from webmail to email, I doubt it would be scanned as it is unlikely to be using standard POP/SMTP protocols.
If the AOHell mail is viewed through your browser (provided that isn’t an AOHell proprietary browser) then the avast web shield should be monitoring the normal http traffic when you view your webmail through your browser. What is your browser ?
Any attachments in your email would have to be saved to your hard disk and they too should be scanned either by the web shield or the file system shield (when they are saved to the hard disk).
So up to a point you should be covered by avast (over and above what Pondus mentioned), it all depends on the applications you are using to view the webmail.
I like the ‘AOHell’ phrase, Dave…!