App Crash

Hello. I have a very irritating problem. The app will crash when im going in to the settings and then subsriptions. Is that a known bug to? It will happen on my both units my phone Galaxy s9 with Android 8.0.0 and on my Galaxy tab s2 with android 7.0.

I have already seen this message and the answer for it: Avast App Crash Receiving Phone Call

Please can you help me?

Hi, please try to update to version 6.11.6 (at the moment rolled out to 75% of users, the rest coming soon) - the 6.11.6 fixes many bugs and crashes.

Hi again

i had already update to version 6.11.6 but the crash will still happening. Is version 6.12 more stable and when it comes out?

I am having a similar problem with Avast security after getting android update to Oreo 8.1. In addition, my Avast secure line is not working properly. Also, it is affecting Avast security as well since it does not appear to be working consistently through its processes and crashes at times. Looking forward to hearing a solution.

Hi guys, you were both sent a PM here on the forum platform, please check your inboxes.