Avast 4.6, Virus DB version 0517-0, 04/25/05, found what I believe to be a false positive. While searching file libexpat.dll, Avast reported finding “Win32:Trojan-gen. {Other}”. This DLL is part of the Graphviz distribution from AT&T.
I have had that file installed for several years and it’s never tripped a virus scanner yet. I’ve had no suspicious activity.
Since the version of Graphviz I had was several years old (v1.10), I decided to do a fresh download and compare the files. (The files are available from http://graphviz.org/Download..php ) When I saw that the current version was up to 2.2.1 I decided to just uninstall and upgrade. Once I had the new version installed I pointed Avast at the installation folder and it said it found the same virus in the same file.
Either it’s a false positive or Graphviz has been a silent trojan vector for an incredibly long time.
The Virus Report form didn’t have a space for comments or any way to indicate that it was (or appeared to be) a false positive, so I’m posting this on the forum.
Thanks for a great product that I’ve had no other problems with!
–Gary Pavek
Plano, Texas, USA