Archive scan doesn't work - bogs down computer

When I try to run a hard drive scan with the “scan archive files” box checked, the scanner stops on one file around 2000-8000 files into the scan. While scanning that file, I watch the memory drop down to 3-10mb left (out of 256, normally maintains 130-140). And it just acts like it is scanning that file forever. It tends to get stuck on the same file, but not always. If I rerun the test, it may stop on a different file and do the same thing. HOWEVER, when I leave the “scan archive files” box unchecked, the scan works perfectly.

No other antivirus software is installed. Any help would be appreciated.

What files are they (e.g. what kind of archives)? Are they some big archives (being unpacked by avast! to TEMP dir to scan its content)? Do you have enough free space on the drive where the TEMP dir is located?
What OS are you using?

Btw, if you want to check for sure what file it got stuck on, you can go to Settings and tell avast! to create the report file (with OK files reported as well).
What happens when you copy the file is usually gets stuck on to an empty folder and scan just that folder?

It tends to get stuck in a folder that has no archived files! Strange, I know. Either way, though, I have plenty of hard drive space for decompressing large files. In fact, for testing purposes, I told Avast to scan a 69 mb .zip file, and it handled it very well. So, i dont know. :-\

EDIT: Just had Avast scan my largest .zip file – 800 MB – and it worked fine. The memory dipped for a second, and then popped right back up. No system hang, and everything worked fine.

Well, you can try to switch on the complete report file and identify the problematic file(s). Maybe it’s some strange OLE document (even though switching on the scanning of archives shouldn’t have any effect in this case). Or maybe some self-extracting installer?

In any case, if avast has problems with a file, we would definitelly like to check the file and fix the problem…

SeeingWhite: If scanner hangs, it might mean you have tried to scan an archive file we could have a problem with. I can’t exactly tell you what’s wrong - but you can send me the problematic file (I hope you’ll find it).

It doesn’t matter if it’s OLE document/self-extracting package/corrupted archive - avast is ready for these nonstandard files.

Okay, sorry it has taken me so long to update. But two days after I started this post, I tried scanning again including the “archive files” box checked. This time it worked! No problems, and I have no idea why. It worked on quick, normal, and thorough scans. Thanks for the help anyway. I hope the problem doesnt creap up in the future.

RAM problems? Try RAMBooster 1.6

That’s interesting that you sent me that link. I checked it out and it looks almost identical to a freeware program that I use: FreeRAM XP PRO. You can get it here: It’s free and it works great.

But as far as memory problems go, I really don’t have one. The only times my free RAM drops too low under normal conditions are when I use Opera, and those initial few times I had scanning problems with Avast!

Avast! works great now, though. I hope its doing a good job… its sure seems to be on the surface.

One thing I don’t like (although not the end of the world) — the Ashserv.exe process uses to much memory.

Do you have already worked with Nortor or McAfee…
Both eat you RAM and you could go take a coffee because your computer will be down. Tests on consuming memory of ashserv.exe are very much better than the others… :wink: