Are you Happy with Avast?

I am thinking about buying Avast Pro 4.1. Are you guys happy with it? Do you think there is anything better then Avast? AVG,NOD32,KAV???

Well i’m using NOD32 right now (testing again). Its ok because its fast and it has pretty cool heuristics. KAV is very good in detection,but it was using too much resources and it was slow (5.0). KAV 4.5 has the most terrible interface i have ever seen. Ugly and unlogically placed functions everywhere. And i miss that “warm” feeling that is present when using avast!. Also support is outstanding compared to others (they even reply to your forum/mail questions at sundays/saturdays!).
avast! 4.5 will kick ass when it arrives :slight_smile:

When is 4.5 coming out?

Vlk sayd its coming in july. Not sure which day exactly…

If I buy Avast 4.1 will I be able to get a free upgrade to 4.5? And Where can I read about what will be new in 4.5? Thanks for all your help! :slight_smile:

Of course, it will be just another program update for you.

I think Vlk wrote something about it, but I believe no detailed list is available. Generally, it will have a few new packers and few new features :wink:

Not sure which day exactly...

I’m quite sure nobody knows yet :slight_smile:

Hey Gate,
It’s radicalb21 again. I’m an avast reseller in the USA. To my knowledge there isn’t any written material on version 4.5 of AVAST. Also yes it would be a free upgrade from 4.1 to 4.5. I hope this information helps. You may also want to look at the following link:;action=display;threadid=57

Usually upgrades are free for duration of subscription or by one major version (updates for entire 4.x version of the program)

Actually, I think it’s true even between versions (3 → 4.x)

It depends, there is plenty to consider when selecting an AV product, theres more than just raw detection ratings you need to evaluate… Some of the things to consider are:

  1. Detection of older viruses in addition to ITW
    -Anyone can detect current ITW, but you need a solid database to detect older threats, which are just as deadly.

  2. Packer support within the product, as well as archival support.
    -There are many products out there, that simply cannot detect packed viruses, and as a result, leave you open to potential infections.

  3. Customer Support/Developer Access.
    -Many softwares, not just AV’s, leave the customer empty for support, you are on your own once you purchase it. AV companies are no stranger to this, trust me.

  4. Trojan/Worm/Malware Detection.
    -Detecting viruses is one thing, but considering 90% of the threats are NOT viruses, don’t you need more? I think so!

  5. Features…
    -Do you want just a on-access/on-demand AV? Or do you want script blocking, pop3/mail protections, P2P security and IM security? There is more to consider than just raw AV features.

  6. Ability to CLEAN, not just delete.

  • Many AV’s frankly lack the ability to properly clean, and end up essentially destroying your OS, requiring a full re-install. Doesn’t that seem to defeat the purpose of a ‘Clean’ function?

Based on these 6 criteria, which I personally feel are the most important when selecting an AV, you can pretty much narrow your choices down to a few products. Then you need to pick from the ones with the interface you like the best, options you need, and a detection percentage you can live with.

Lastly, consider that most modern AV’s are focused primarily towards ITW threats, and this leaves you wide open to the large portion of older threats still out there, that you can run into daily. Detection levels of most any current AV on ITW is 100% or close. But detections of older (1-3 year old) threats can RAPIDLY fall to 5% or less on those threats with some AV’s. Right now, Avast imho does need some improvement on older threats, and heuristics, but its 100% ITW, and SOLID on older threats (90% range).

My 2 cents.

Very good trojan and spyware detection along standard viruses/worms out there.

Hey you all. I did some search and found this about version 4.5 . Vlk said this about version 4.5 awhile back:

We’re completing a list of new features to be included in the next major release of avast. Please feel free to give us comments and/or suggestions of what you’d like to see there. Thanks!

• Support for UPX, BZIP, AsPack and other EXE packers
• Support for ACE, ARC, LHx and other file packers
• Enahanced support for CAB archives (speed optimization!)
• Support for multiple SMTP servers in the Internet Mail provider
• Enhanced mail heuristics – rules/exceptions (iframe etc.)
• Lightweight support for Windows/MSN Messenger, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, Trillian
• Leightweight support for ActiveSync
• Higher scanning speed on NT/2K/XP by using async IO
• Lower memory consumption of ashServ.exe
• ashMaiSv under NT+ running as a service
• Integrated cleaner for most common worms
• New licensing scheme (.lic files)
• Ability to manipulate running scheduled tasks (pause/stop…)
• Ability to start/stop VRDB generation on-demand
• Minimize page faults in ashServ and ashDisp (performance optimization)

I hope this helps.

Ok it looks like i’ll have to add new service monitoring for ashMaiSv in my AEC for version 4.5 :slight_smile: Lets wait and see :slight_smile:

Erm, I afraid the previous list is from the “wishlist” thread, and it was written for avast! 4.1. Those features are already implemented for some time :slight_smile:

My mistake. I apologize for posting the wrong information. Thanks for correcting me Igor.

Ahahah…I thought those features looked darn familiar. ;D

Anyway, Igor, it will be worthful if you look at the wishlist and ‘solve’ everything you can… avoiding new asks, questions, compilations… ;D