ASB 72.0.1151.82 cannot remove shortcut on home web page once it is run in a tab.
Tab is not open History is cleared right click shortcut icon on browser home page click remove will not remove the shortcut icon! Shortcut remains even though ASB declares Shortcut is removed.
Old version 71.0.1037.99 did not have this issue.
Bug #2:
Privacy Cleaner enters a perpetual loop when any category higher than 1 hour is selected and will not complete operation. It also hangs when data is accumulated in the browser so the picture below will show a hang even with one hour selected. (See attached below)
If the browser is closed, and ASB is reopened for a new session, and Privacy Cleaner is run immediately, it will run for about 1/2 second and close.
Again, ASB 71.0.1037.99 did not have this issue either.
Lastly, use of a stub installer requires an internet connection to download the rest of the ASB installation file.
When is Avast going to make available the full offline installation file for ASB?
In Bank mode if you add a program, it still doesn’t run and once added to the taskbar, you can’t remove it.
I reported this in the developers forum but apparently it hasn’t been addressed.
Bob, I’m all for reporting issues such as these two and the one you’ve reported previously.
Off the top of my head these issues would seem to be a dynamic gui issue where the process called for does not terminate as it should and the icon or window is supposed to disappear. Non-IT users could take these glitches at face value and think that what they see are fundamental flaws in the browser when they are not.
Perception matters.
Please go ahead and report.
Beyond that, why is only a stub installer offered? I tried to revert to the older version only to find I could not.