Is there a reason why it’s only effecting some users and not others?
Any progress? It’s still not working.
Another update, and it seems to be working now. Thanks.
Just checked again and still the same error:
This site can’t be took too long to respond.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
I’m at release:
Avast Secure Browser is up to date
Version 92.0.11264.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
It is the same for all websites.
All other browsers work fine.
Yes, now with the Avast 21.6.2474 (version 21.6.6446.683) version it works,
thank you.
I’m as up-to-date as others and I’m still having this problem.
It started yesterday after a Windows update.
Avast free antivirus 21.6.2474 (build 21.6.6446.683)
Avast Secure Browser is up to date
Version 92.0.11264.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)
As indicated above, the problem goes away if I turn off Web Shield, but I don’t want to do that.
Avast has already acknowledged the problem and reported that they looking into it.
After updating Avast Secure Browser on Win10 Pro, it will no longer connect to websites.
Verified download, re-downloaded, un-installed, re-installed. Still No Go to internet.
Every other browser does: FFox, Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, Opera, Edge.
Diagnostic Info from ASB itself:
executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe
profile_path=C:\Users\CheetahFTL\AppData\Local\AVAST Software\Browser\User Data\Default
os_version=Windows 10 v2009 (x64)
av_engines=Avast Antivirus, AMSI - Avast IAntimalwareProvider implementation
active_av_engine=Avast Antivirus
browser_version=92.0.11264.132 (Official Build (64-bit))
Channel: stable
OS language: en-us
Browser language: en-US
Search Engine URL:{bing:campaignId}D{bing:installDate}A9DFA1A1FF2&form={bing:formCode}&conlogo=CT3210127&q={searchTerms}
Omaha version: 1.8.1065.0
Enabled extensions:
ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : 0.2
dmfdacibleoapmpfdgonigdfinmekhgp : Avast SecureLine VPN :
ekmkelgimdicdgkflkakgmjcghgpdnji : Messaging :
kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd : CryptoTokenExtension : 0.9.74
lhnnoklckomcfdlknmjaenoodlpfdclc : Avast Bank Mode :
mecokbmnofclapimmlnfegiohceoaocc : Avast Performance Manager : 1.2.220
mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chrome PDF Viewer : 1
nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : 1.3.16
nmebbcjdbhgggcgohlnlgadkmjiedfbc : Avast Hack Check : 1.2.341
ooeobdingfeedklanlfcjhffgennflke : Avast Adblock : 2.6.130
pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm : Chrome Media Router : 9221.427.0.1
Disabled extensions:
beghmmhchncjignfbfnemngnlnjdmbcb : Avast Anti-Fingerprinting : 2.5.181
kdhipfbocahipinepiahppeionfbahlg : Avast Video Downloader : 2.5.151
kmediagceboldddnnajkcochbkfkedel : Avast Anti-Tracking :
Confirming that turning off Web Shield enables the Avast Browser to work.
But still NOT fixed after today’s update of Antivirus and update of Browser.
Agree with Ramana,
Ran AvastSecureBrowser update today to get to browser_version=92.0.11400.132 (Official Build (64-bit))
but problem still exists. Also, then went inot Avast Security and specifically disabled WebShield for 10 minutes.
Closed ASB and reinitialized, but problem still exists: unable to get to internet.
The graphic is appropriate, although unable to post it.
Hoping for a fix/work-around, Thank you
Let us know if you need more info.
executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe
profile_path=C:\Users\CheetahFTL\AppData\Local\AVAST Software\Browser\User Data\Default
os_version=Windows 10 v2009 (x64)
av_engines=Avast Antivirus, AMSI - Avast IAntimalwareProvider implementation
active_av_engine=Avast Antivirus
browser_version=92.0.11400.132 (Official Build (64-bit))
Channel: stable
OS language: en-us
Browser language: en-US
Search Engine URL:{bing:campaignId}D{bing:installDate}A9DFA1A1FF2&form={bing:formCode}&conlogo=CT3210127&q={searchTerms}
Omaha version: 1.8.1065.0
Enabled extensions:
ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : 0.2
dmfdacibleoapmpfdgonigdfinmekhgp : Avast SecureLine VPN :
ekmkelgimdicdgkflkakgmjcghgpdnji : Messaging :
kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd : CryptoTokenExtension : 0.9.74
lhnnoklckomcfdlknmjaenoodlpfdclc : Avast Bank Mode :
mecokbmnofclapimmlnfegiohceoaocc : Avast Performance Manager : 1.2.220
mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chrome PDF Viewer : 1
nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : 1.3.16
nmebbcjdbhgggcgohlnlgadkmjiedfbc : Avast Hack Check : 1.2.341
ooeobdingfeedklanlfcjhffgennflke : Avast Adblock : 2.6.130
pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm : Chrome Media Router : 9221.427.0.1
Disabled extensions:
beghmmhchncjignfbfnemngnlnjdmbcb : Avast Anti-Fingerprinting : 2.5.181
kdhipfbocahipinepiahppeionfbahlg : Avast Video Downloader : 2.5.151
kmediagceboldddnnajkcochbkfkedel : Avast Anti-Tracking :
Happy to report this issue is resolved!
Ensure that you manually update your Avast Security updates to most recent versions, reboot to ensure changes/updates take effect and that ASB is at browser_version=92.0.11400.132 (Official Build (64-bit)).
Thank you!
After rebooting this afternoon, Browser is working again.
Updated everything, cleared cache multiple times, reboot twice daily and ran 3 A/V scans (using Avast Premium Security) and ASB still lagging badly.
Even did a SFC and all was good.
I’ve stopped using the ASB. Tired of the “timeouts”. Poor performance and constant issues for the last week.
Using regular Chrome and it works well. Definitely not a hardware issue.
Avast Premium Security - 21.6.2474 (build 21.6.6446.683)
Win10 - Fully updated
Bank Mode is even worse!!
Same experience as LEAFS.
Did all A/V scans, ran SFC, ran CHKDSK, everything is good. Except for ASB!
ASB has NOT worked right since that “UPGRADE TO PRO” showed up in the settings window! I’m starting to believe AVAST has purposely screwed with the ASB regular edition in order to get people to pay to upgrade. I’m to the point where I’m uninstalling ASB, because Chrome, Opera, and EDGE are ALL working perfectly with no LAGGING.
ASB was always my browser of choice, until this past week or so. It reminds me of the problems with Firefox back in the day, and how everyone dumped FF and moved on. AVAST should learn from history before we all start cancelling our premium subscriptions and move on to another product line.
And the worsdt thing of all? ALL my clients who I got to subscribe to AVAST are encountering the same ASB problems, and they’re calling ME to fix it, which I can’t, and so they blame ME for talking them into AVAST for their businesses. >:(
Reported to Avast. Let’s see if that helps.
We’re urgently looking into this at the moment, our current hypothesis is that our URLInfo backend might be slowing down requests, this is used to check that sites you visit are secure.
I will post here when we have more information.
Thank you for reporting this issue
Despite the ASB update, things have not improved. Bank Mode constantly indicates “Page Unresponsive” and it takes up to 30 seconds to load webpages. Diagnostic is as follows:
executable_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software\Browser\Application\AvastBrowser.exe
profile_path=C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\AVAST Software\Browser\User Data\Default
os_version=Windows 10 v2004 (x64)
av_engines=Avast Antivirus, AMSI - Avast IAntimalwareProvider implementation
active_av_engine=Avast Antivirus
browser_version=92.1.11471.160 (Official Build (64-bit))
Channel: stable
OS language: en-us
Browser language: en-US
Search Engine URL:{google:client}&q={searchTerms}&{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}ie={inputEncoding}
Omaha version: 1.8.1065.0
Enabled extensions:
ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : 0.2
dmfdacibleoapmpfdgonigdfinmekhgp : Avast SecureLine VPN :
ekmkelgimdicdgkflkakgmjcghgpdnji : Messaging :
kdhipfbocahipinepiahppeionfbahlg : Avast Video Downloader : 2.5.151
kmediagceboldddnnajkcochbkfkedel : Avast Anti-Tracking :
kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd : CryptoTokenExtension : 0.9.74
lhnnoklckomcfdlknmjaenoodlpfdclc : Avast Bank Mode :
mecokbmnofclapimmlnfegiohceoaocc : Avast Performance Manager : 1.2.220
mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chrome PDF Viewer : 1
nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : 1.3.16
nmebbcjdbhgggcgohlnlgadkmjiedfbc : Avast Hack Check : 1.2.341
ooeobdingfeedklanlfcjhffgennflke : Avast Adblock : 2.6.130
pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm : Chrome Media Router : 9221.427.0.1
Disabled extensions:
beghmmhchncjignfbfnemngnlnjdmbcb : Avast Anti-Fingerprinting : 2.5.181