Hello everyone, posting this from another browser.
As mentioned in the title, ASB is not working at all, be it with automatic launch at PC start, manual or admin launch. It shows either a completely black or white window, or it shows a normal window with all the tabs but I can’t interact with it at all, and the goes back to black screen
I would love a solution that does not include the “wealth” of bookmarks and tabs I have amassed !
I too have had my Avast stop working. I’ve uninstalled twice without any better service! And may I ask why your site is so ineffective to getting reply’s to other folks with the same problem? Maybe I don’t need your browser.
You can export bookmarks and save to your PC and then import them when ASB is installed again.
Before you uninstall ASB go to top right and click the 3 dots then choose ‘Bookmarks’ then ‘Bookmarks Manager’. Once page is open click the 3 dots top right of that page and choose ‘export bookmarks’.
To import choose import bookmarks.
I just have a black window, and I can’t interact with anything, no other way to save bookmarks ? can’t I reach them through file explorer or anything ?
I cannot interact in any way with ASB on my PC, so I have installed ASB on my phone and synchronized BMs, will this save them while I reinstall on my PC ?what about the tabs ? How do I do a clean uninstall when I cannot interact with ASB in any way ?
still not working ! https://imgur.com/a/zz5LfaT this is what I get when I start it, it’s the exact same thing that I have from before uninstalling and re-sintalling
Hello Charles440
I would like to inform you, that we are currently still investigating this issue. If you could please send me your user ID through a direct message, I think it could help us diagnose this issue.
In order to find your UserId, you have to:
Hold windows button and press R
Type “regedit” into the run window
Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AVAST Software\Browser
You should see your user ID there.
It would be also helpful, if you could look up the browser version. You can find that, when you go to control panel\Programs\Programs and features.
I hope we will be able to find a solution soon.
I have just received a message from one of our developers. He thinks, that this problem could be solved by running the browser with a “–use-angle=gl” argument.
To use this:
Right click on the ASB icon and select properties.
Then in section Target, add “–use-angle=gl” to the end.
Apply changes.
Please, let me know if this fixed the issue.