Ashserv error

Hi folks
Some background.
I had to do a complete format of a laptop and re-installed Windows XP, then installed AVAST.
Input registration key went fine, with blue ball spinning…all seems fine.
When I “Turn Off” XP, I get a application error about ASHSERV.EXE not being able to access some memory space…click “OK” to close application. Whether I click “OK” or not, it goes away and XP closes.
Can anyone provide a reason for this happening and/or a possible fix to prevent it from happening.
Any help would be appreciated.

Can you post the exact error message (with all the possible information), please?

is your xp updated? because some microsoft hotfixes correct shutdown troubles

Hi Ogw
Yes, all critical updates were done before installing AVAST (forgot to mention that… sorry)
Hi igor
That I will try to do…it is on the screen for 10 secs, so I have to write fast, or repeatedly do a shutdown to get all the information. I will make sure I come back with that information.
Your input is appreciated.

fredra, isn’t there anything in the windows events (start > administrative tools > events)? maybe you have your answer there without the need for copying it.

as i can see at the settings, avast seems to have a log viever/generator too, but you may know more than i’m just a newbie.

Hi Ogw
It stopped doing it a few times, then for some reason started again.
Here is the error message.
0x77F58DDF referenced memory at 0x000000 the memory could not be written. Press “OK” to end application.
If I don’t press “OK” it goes away and the laptop shuts down.
I will take a look at the “event viewr” to see if there is any notification, but I doubt it as it is after XP says it is saving settings.
Any further insight would be appreciated.

Does anyone have any ideas for this or why it is happening? ::slight_smile:

Hi there

have u tried to repair avast

If not try Control panel>add remove programs>avast>change/remove option and select repair from that menu.

Hope it helps

Hi Ash
I will try that…thanks.
Your help is appreciated.
If you don’t mind, I will report back after doing that and rebooting a few times.

fredra, I have other threads with avast! and your answer could be useful to ‘study’ my troubles. I’m waiting for them. Very thanks. :wink:

You are welcome.
I am looking at the dependency service that AVAST requires. It is a slow process, as I have to turn them “ON” if they are “OFF”.(one at a time) .run testing for a few days and see the results. If no impact, then reverse the process.
So far I am taking a deliberate approach to finding the possible solution for my specific situation. So far I have no answers, but I will keep digging until I run out of patience.

The error you are getting is refering to bad ram (0x77F58DDF) Test the ram with a prog like you can find here

Sorry posted the wrong address :frowning: Here is the correct one

Hi Artras
Good point…appreciated.
I will check that ASAP and report back.

HW problem? Very hardly…
It seems to be a problem in avast, but since it only appers when you shut down the computer, it’s very difficult to diagnose it…

Please look to the folder \data\log, do you see any file which names start with unp there?


Hi Vik
Thanks for the advice.
I did not find any file with that folder starting with “unp”, however, I found a text file “aswMaiSv” with the following:
(Note I have removed the name of the ISP)
01/12/04 16:23:18: Started
01/12/04 16:23:22: Build 4.1.319
01/12/04 16:23:22: Using WinSock 2.0
01/12/04 16:23:22: WSAAccept not loaded
01/12/04 16:23:23: UseDefaultSmtp settings changed 0(0x00000000)
01/12/04 16:23:23: POP Start settings changed: 1(0x00000001)
01/12/04 16:23:23: POP Default server settings changed: pop. 110
01/12/04 16:23:23: POP Listen settings changed: 110
01/12/04 16:23:24: SMTP Start settings changed: 1(0x00000001)
01/12/04 16:23:24: SMTP Default server settings changed: smtp. 25
01/12/04 16:23:24: SMTP Listen settings changed: 25
01/12/04 16:23:24: IMAP Start settings changed: 1(0x00000001)
01/12/04 16:23:24: IMAP Listen settings changed: 143

Strange…why do I have “IMAP” when I use “POP” and “SMTP” from my ISP?

Your feedback would be appreciated.

It only means that the Internet Mail provider is listening on the IMAP port as well (in case you use it). I think it can be disabled somewhere in the ini file, but it’s certainly not the problem here.
This is the log of the Internet Mail provider - which won’t help us much here. If there were any of the unp* files, it would tell us more (it would be a file describing avast! problem/crash).

Did you find any relation of the problem to the particular avast! settings? Is there anything (that might be connected to the problem) in the avast! log (using the Log Viewer), or in the Windows Event Viewer?

I think I may also have this problem, I’ve occasionally been getting errors at shutdown which mention something unable to write to memory but I’m so busy I hadn’t got around to asking on the forum about it. I don’t know how to use the event viewer but I did look for files beginning with UNP and I found one named unp25558. I hope this helps.

I’ll look into the suggestions to test my ram and repair Avast.

Is the date of the unp25558 file right? I mean, is it recent and could it be one of the “shutdowns”? (Just asking if the file isn’t a year old, for example).

I still can’t find anything in Event Viewer or the AVAST log files. There is no “UNP” files to be found on the drive…I am lost.
I did a memtest which showed no errors with the memory.
This error is so intermittent, sometimes I don’t see it at all, and other times it appears.
When I do a test of the 'email" avast does pop up and inform me that the mail is infected and it also did the automatic update for the latest updates, so it IS working.
This is rather strange.