ashWebSv.exe excesive use of memory?

ashWebSv.exe uses an average of 140,000 K/memory, with a marked slowdown on speed on my desktop (SP home with SP2).
My laptop with same setting uses only an average of 4,000 K.
What is the problem and the solution?
thank you very much

If WebShield is using that much memory, it probably means that you are downloading some large file… could it be the case?
After the file is downloaded, the memory usage will go back to normal.

thank you very much for your reply, good point, BUT, that is not the case, once on those high numers will stay there, even when no activity or prgms in use (that I can see)

OK, how about some other programs that may cause network (HTTP) traffic… online radios, or something like that? Could you check (and post) the list of running programs, please?

Hi, have a Paint/saved image of the Processes Screen saved but do not know how to posted it.
Will save a lot of time not having to type them all.

See this link

let’s try

can you please download and run this tool:

  1. start command line (Start / All Programs / Accessories / Command prompt)
  2. change to the folder, where you have userdump.exe ( e.g. cd \downloads )
  3. create the memory dump for webshield (usedump ashwebsv.exe )

It will create a file ashWebSv.dmp, that contains the whole memory of the process. It should zip pretty well, please send it to my email, or upload to

We can have a look and probably see who is eating the memory there…if we are lucky enough ::slight_smile:


thank you very much, downloaded and ran this file but it will not create the .dump file?
I have run the .exe file from different folders, including directly as run instead of save.
Any sugestions?
thank you

Lukas, this is what I get

the commandline should be:

userdump ashwebsv.exe



Hello, I’m relatively new to Avast and posting to forums, so please forgive me if I am not doing this correctly. Is this an appropriate place to add to this conversation by saying since I updated to the 605-1 on Avast Home 4.6 Compile date 1/30/06 I have noticed a problem very similar to this one but with a twist. While downloading files from newgroups on a 1.5Mb/sec connection, I have seen my download rates drop from around 900K ~ 1Mb to 100K ~ 200K with the program AshMaiSv.exe taking anywhere from a prior 30% cpu to now 60 ~ 70% cpu leaving not much room for other things to be running. For me, this is not normal, I usually have around 45 processes running and didn’t run into this until the update of Avast yesterday evening. Turning off the NNTP scan from the Internet Mail → Customize settings, then re-connect BNR2 (my newsgroup grabber), and then no problems arise out of cpu usage. I realize this is becuase Avast is no longer scanning the NNTP streams, however, it has run…and scanned the NNTP services for a month without taking up so much cpu. Has anyone else seen this sort of thing happening?