[ask]about virus update history

hi. i want to ask about the virus updates history. on avast website, the current version for virus update history is 100513-1. but on my avast is 100516-0
i use avast 5.0.545, free edition.

Is the website doesn’t update it version regularly? http://www.avast.com/virus-update-history

thanks :wink:

gblu…that particular avast! page is always lagging behind
during the regular work week…ie Monday thru Friday
it seems to be updated a little more frequent!!

It’s up to date now. Also there has been a holiday in some european countries on the 13th…!!

thanks for the reply, hayc59 and Asyn. :slight_smile:

the latest version on my avast is 100517-0, and on the website is 100516-1. but that’s okay, now i know the reason why :smiley:

No problem, and welcome to the forum…!! :slight_smile: