ASK Search engine

ASK only keeps going to other engines and the system is indecisive.

I am assuming you have chosen Ask as your default search engine and are having problems with it.
Have you tried another search engine to see if that is better?

Perhaps you could explain your problem symptoms in a bit more detail and maybe also add a screenshot to illustrate.
I’m afraid it is not clear to me and probably others what your problem is with the Browser.
You can add screenshot file by clicking the “Attachments and other options” wording below the text box.

Hi philiptaylor4,

can you please tell us more so we can identify the problem? :slight_smile:

Your Diagnostic information will help us too:

  1. Open the browser and click on the menu icon (3 dots in upright corner)
  2. Click on “Help and About Avast Secure Browser” and then “About Avast Secure Browser”
  3. Click on “Diagnostic Information” (this will open a pop-up window)
  4. Click the “COPY TO CLIPBOARD” button to capture the information and paste it here.

Thank you