Ask When Update Is Available Button Doesn't Work

I like to know when an update is available so I choose the option to Ask When Update is available. It never notifies me thou??? Does this feature work? I know an update has been out for say hours and I fixed it so it checks every 60 min and I never get notified of an update? The auto feature if I select that works. So why doesn’t it work? Are you aware of this? Thanks.


I’m on ask-when-available for program updates (auto for database updates). Typically I’ll do a manual check once or twice a day anyway for the program (to catch the database too), although the Alwil team’s schedule seems to be such that if there’s a database update out, the auto will catch it when I first come online, typically late morning Eastern time (UT-5). Whew, sorry about the length of that sentence. :-[ :wink:

But I’m rambling again … if you’re on advise-when-available and there’s something new, you get that little blue popup notification similar to the one following an auto-update. It’s not on screen very long – any chance you’re missing it because you’re occupied with something else, especially something that’s “always on top”?


Yes…What good would that be if I’m not around to see it come up…This needs to be fixed to stay up till we click on it and do the update like Norton would do??? Kinda useless in the manner Avast addresses this in my opinion. Thanks.

No prob - I know the question of how long it’s displayed has been brought up before, and there might even be something about it in the “Wish List”.

Don’t forget you can do a manual check for updates any time, no matter what your “standard” settings for updates are. And of course if there’s nothing, that only takes a few seconds.

I see uffbros is very serious about updates :slight_smile:;action=display;threadid=2746

If you setup automatic checks for updates to 60 minutes, which I dislike, you should be very happy to get any “action” after your “manual click” check for update. I’m sure you’re already updated and check is very very fast to see it.

You can simply check your version in “about box” of avast! and compare it with the value on our Web site. But don’t ask us why your version is higher than listed 8) (it was already discussed here), because update of Web site is the very last task in the very complex “update” procedure.

P.S. be so kind and reset your “checking period” to default 4 hours

Is it clear now? Eduard

No it’s not clear to me?? How does it checking every 60 min for 2 seconds slow down your server? I removed the 60 min check from the .ini thou out of respect for your wishes and the fact that your program is free. Thanks.

Well, it is a question of big numbers ;).

Currently we have well over million users of avast! HE. And usually about 1/3 of them do update during the default four hours period when the iAVS update is released. It means that every second about 30 users are served. If we change this period to one hour, it will be about 120 users per second which is quite close to DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack to our servers.

Of course we do not rely on one server but our servers are not used for the iAVS updates only - for example we have more than 12000 program downloads from CNET only during last two days (which represents about 84 GB of transferred data). So it is a question of data distribution.

Of course if only you change it, it makes no difference. I believe that even if all forum users (> 2600 people) change this parameter, the influence will be close to nil. But it is the principle question - we think that the four hours period is optimal for both of you and our servers, otherwise we could face the situation that our servers will not be able to deliver the updates and no users will be able to update…


Thanks…Much Clearer now.