Autocad Batch Plot

I use Autocad 2021. There are feature is batch plot. To make drawing to PDF separate. But the result (PDF file) is disappear when Avast protected is on. So I must temporary disabled when I use batch plot. Any suggestion? Thank you.

*sorry for my English.

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • Which version/build of Avast…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
  • Avast Premium Security 20.3.2405 (build 20.3.5200.561)
  • Windows 10 64bit Build 18363.778
  • Security related software intalled: Smadav
  • Avast is my first AV and only one AV in my PC.

Do you get any message from Avast…?

nope. i already message to Avast from app. but didn’t response.

See if this helps:

thank you for suggestion. I try to turn off “ransomware shield”, try to Strict mode, Allowed all autocad apps, but didn’t work. But it work when i untick “restrict document access to this Windows account” on “sensitive data shield” is it safe?

See: (Blocked & Allowed apps)

yeah i already allowed all Autocad app on “app that will be…” list. but didn’t work.

Beats me. Contact support:

thank you for suggestion. good luck and good day…

You’re welcome.

I see you have Premium, so wonder if it is Avast Firewall that is giving you the problem.
Make sure Avast Firewall is set Private not Public.