Automatic action

I’d like avast! 4.8 PRO to choose action automatically when virus is found during scan. I’ve already had a topic like this, and I got to know how to do it. I turned enchanced user interface on, and in the TASKS menu I edited the scans. So I full system scan (default) to do this when virus is found: ’ CLEAN if failed MOVE TO CHEST and DELETE '. After this I chose simple UI again, and started a scan. But when it found a virus it asked me what to do. Any guesses? Thanks in advance

I’m afraid SimpleUI and EnhancedUI don’t cooperate this way; SimpleUI always asks for action in its scans. You’d have to start the scan from the Enhaced UI.

That’s what I was afraid of. Thanks

Nothing to be afraid of, the Enhanced User Interface gives greater flexibility and configuration.

Anyway, don’t worry that much. Avast 5 won’t have a simple and an enhanced interface, just only one, a new one.