Automatic Deletion of Viruses

Me Again;

After reading through the forums and positng previous questions I have come to the following conclusion.

When using the Home editon of Avast 4 with Outlook 2002 (XP) it is not possible to have Avast delete infected emails automatically.

I have tried all of the suggestions in the forums and I still get asked everytime what to do with infected messages.

Can anyone tell me if the Pro version will automatically delete infected messages?

Hi, Sorry I can help you but I have the same problem.
Seems like the “on-access” scanner for outlook is “waiting for a subsystem to start”.

Hope somebody is able to help us.

BTW at the office I have win2k and no problem over there.


I’m sure the Professional version will do it (or any other possible action: repair, move/delete the file, move to Chest… you can either configurate the sequence for the actions: first repair, if it fails then move to Chest, or if does not work, delete… and so on.

You’re right, the only ‘automatic’ action for the Home version is ‘Move to Chest’ (set to ‘Silent mode’ the provider and choose the answer ‘No’ by default).

I am trying out the Profesional version to see if Auto Deletion of viruses was part of it. But it is not. I am always asked for a decision on this.
I was planning to put this on my parents computer, but not if it can’t do something as simple as delete a virus withouy user intervention.

I don’t believe “automatic deletion” of a virus is very smart. ::slight_smile:

What if you accidently delete a false postive? ???


~Steele Wolf~

I’m fine with sending the file to the chest, but it doesn’t do that either. And I’d rather delete an attatchment in a file versus getting a paniced phone called at three in the morning. ::slight_smile:

Parents are older, and don’t have a clue about what to do with a virus.

I cannot understand what you mean… The automatic actions could be set for each ‘Task’. Right click one of them, choose Properties and then go to ‘Virus’ page and set what you want: Delete the file Repair Move to Chest and so on… What is wrong?

For the Internet Mail provider you can choose the options ‘Silent Mode’.
The help files have a lot of explanations on this.

Now I get it, and it works great now. I just didn’t know it was configured in the tasks folder. Thanks for the kick in the right direction.

By the way, is there a way to automate sending the virus to the chest in the Home edition? Or is that the default? I know it’s not the default for Outlook, but I’m curious about Outlook Express.


Is there is a way in Home Edition, by default: Choose ‘Silent mode’ into the Internet Mail provider settings and the answer ‘No’. The file will be sent to Chest. :wink:

To bad then that the heuristic part of the mail-scanner doesn’t work this way. There you can only choose to manually select, mark the message as suspicious, or delete THE WHOLE MESSAGE (also loosing the header and body of the message). Why doesn’t the silent choice here move the suspicous attachement to the chest?

It’s more likely that a “false positive” will be deleted in heuristic.

Fully agree with you… :-
Maybe the Heuristic module could allow sendind the message to Chest… Is this posible, I mean, technically posible? ::slight_smile:

Deleting the message in heuristics didn’t delete the message automatically. It still required user intervention. The only way I could get anything to happen automatically with Outlook was to use the Advanced interface of the Pro version.