Automatic signature definition update does not work

I noticed that the automatic updating of the antivirus signatures does not occur automatically, even though I have set the update automatically.

After many minutes in which the PC is turned on (even over 30-60 minutes) the update does not appear on the screen.

If I restart the PC the update is completed or if you run it manually the update is completed.

Can you check and resolve?

I have version 23.8.6078 (build 23.8.8416.762).

No problems here, you seem to get more than your share of issues I wonder why.

I have only seen one instance of this recently in the forums and for them even the manual update check didn’t work. On’y reinstall worked for them.

PC recently formatted because I replaced the HDD with an SSD, which made the PC faster.
In my opinion it’s a bug… I’ll wait for version 23.9 to see if it fixes it.

Well, all I can say is if it truly were a bug and its related to VPS updates, I would have expected a to see a lot more reports in the forums.

In my opinion, not everyone notices it, also because in my opinion it’s just a “graphic” issue, but i. in reality the definitions are updated but the writing does not change and therefore the Windows protection system sees it as updated and does not report it. After restarting the PC or manually updating the writing realigns to the status of the definitions.

@jan.svoboda or @petr.kolacek what do you think?

This is the situation after the PC was turned on and connected to the internet for about half an hour, the definitions, despite having the same time (7.23pm), were not indicated as updated, the writing was in red.
I don’t know if it’s normal or a bug, in my opinion it’s a bug.

Given that there is an ! (exclamation mark) and the text is in red there is a problem, not being bi-lingual I don’t know what that problem is ?

However, the VPS version (in your screenshot) isn’t up to date as the version equates to 2023 - 09 -12, so that is 2 days adrift from mine which is 230914-2.

OK thank you!
Now I understand how to read the version of the definitions:

For example (today’s) version 230914-4 :

23: is the year 2023
09: is the month September
14: is the day

While I didn’t understand the number after the dash (-), i.e. in this case what does the 4 mean?
Is this the 4th release since midnight every 6 hours?

The figure behind the date notation -4 means it is the 4th update of the day for the virus definitions.

How many updates are there during the day?
Is there no maximum number or is 4 the maximum?
Every how many hours is an update released?

Depends what happens in the malware world, they are released when needed

There is no set limit, I have seen 10 in a day.

Don’t forget that there are also the Streaming Updates, very micro updates to the VPS until the next VPS update occurs and or is downloaded by the user.

Ok! :wink:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Many people aren’t aware of the Streaming Updates. These get periodically cleared (a couple of days or so) after the Main Virus Definitions are updated.

All very interesting.
I like to delve deeper into these technical aspects.
Thanks for sharing information. :wink: