automatically delete infected mail option/switch

Are there any command-switches or configuration files for avast so that it automatically deletes mail messages when it is infected.

It is very frustrating when you receive mail and every time there is a pop up with a confirmation. I have the pollicy: delete it straight away, so and if possible automatically. don’t want to see those shit or have the slightest possibility of getting infected.

Who can tell me if there is such a solution.

I think only Outlook plug-in has the possibility to discard the infected mail, but if you are using Internet mail plu-in as I, I think there is no switch for it. Maybe later you’ll get the answer from moderators. Good luck.

I am using in the “Internet Mail”-Provider the option “Silent mode” “Answer is always NO”.

This causes the infected attachments automatically removed from the mail (to chest) with no confirmation. The mail is delivered with an information about the virus, but without the attachment.

only avast pro has that option :slight_smile:

but for home edition…just do what Sgt.Schumann instructed :wink:

Thanx for you suggestions and solutions.
I hope there will be a switch available so all the supported mail programs do have the option to delete infected mail by default and also that it will be possible do have an option to send a waring message to the sender if he/she is in the address book or save list.

Hi Pandora,

virus bounce/alert response mails are useless in these times when Mail-worms usually fake the from/sender adress.

This feature should not be enabled in a MailServer/scanner, as it ncreases traffic and only irritates the recipients


Hi Pandora,
Not only that, but bounce lists get you placed on more spam lists. The best thing to do is just delete it and forget it.

fully agreed with whocares & bob3160 :slight_smile:

Well, the Professional version has it 8)