Autorun Eater

Autorun Eater v2.4:

Here you can view the history and notable changes made to Autorun Eater from the initial release to the latest release.

2nd June, 2009 - v2.4

Added: ‘Close Autoplay’ option to prevent execution of malware via AutoPlay window.

Removed: ‘Scan Started… Right Click For Menu’ tray tip during launch

Changed: aesettings.ini file, results.log file, and Autorun Backup folder relocated to application folder for compatibility with Windows Vista & 7.

Changed: Improvements to monitoring engine.

Changed: Minor tweaks to program behaviour.

Changed: Minor tweaks to program GUI.

Changed: Minor tweaks to installer.

Fixed: Unable to ignore suspicious ‘autorun.inf’ with read-only attribute.

Autorun Eater v2.5 Beta:

Hmmm. Navigation to web page was cancelled in AE Help.

Im running with it anyway. I’ll learn it on the fly. The reports have been good. Really I’m looking for something for clients because of obvious dangers from USB usage. I’ll run the Beta and wait for official version. Then pass what I know on as part of my service.

oops couldn’t download Beta because blocked by hostsfile


Address on wordpress page

I edited my hostsfile and downloaded the AE Beta and now have it running.
I am going to re-inset the fileden entry. Do you think this will affect updating AE?

I reported the blocked site to hpHosts and I found out that hosts some malware so I have reported this to Old MacDonald.

V2.4 is available on Softpedia:

Thank you. I will await further developments now. Much appreciated.