AutoSandbox Digital Signature

Hello avast : ). We are small developers. We develop small game software for georgian customers. In Georgia most user have avast with great function AutoSandBox :slight_smile: and everytime when customer run app popup Filerep :frowning: and customer thinks this is virus and click terminate. we try exlplain but georgian customer dont understand us :slight_smile: there is any way how resolve this problem ? we are make programm update everyday everytime scans virustotal but still low reputation . how make reputation ? how make this reputation ? one developer told that possible with code signing , it is true ? it will help us to prevent this :)? digital signature for us not problem we only intrest if it help us prevent this problem. thanks and sorry for my poor english

You need to digitally sign the files. This worked perfectly for all my OEM customers!


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”


You can report a possible FP here:
You can contact Avast here:

Thanks for reply ) it mean if i digitally sign any files it will not run in sanbox ? or it need also white list ? i find Globalsign it will be good for this or better Symantec ? thanks :slight_smile:

I know that Symantec works for sure!

GlobalSign is fine, too.

Thanks, Igor!


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”