Autosandbox not remembering answers


Has anyone else had experience with Sanbox not remembering the answer when I tick to save the answer (open normally). It asks again and again when I open the program.

Just curious what might be wrong?

Yes, It just happened to me too. I have set AutoSandboxing to ‘Ask’ mode but after upates or something, it changed back to ‘Auto’ mode deleting all the previous marked applications

I haven’t experienced either of the problems.

@ Lord Ami
Are your AutoSandbox exclusions still listed ?
Presumably other than just selecting Open Normally, you have checked the Remember my answer box (I have to confirm rather than assume).

@ reddy.shyam
Since the default Setting for the AutoSandbox is Ask, I can’t see why it would change it to an non-default setting.

It’s in Ask mode. Yes they are listed in exclusions list (I need to confirm it tho) and I checked Remember my answer box. I always do with programs I know are safe (open normally+save it for further).
I noticed it with version 6 aswell. It worked well until last few days.

If they are listed, they should be remembered. You could check the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\avast5.ini (XP Location) file and see if they are also listed on this line.


@LoardAmi: what’s program path? can you please generate support package and upload it on ftp, or send me to mail, thanks.

Not sure if turning it off/on solved the problem but I’ll do as pk said when it comes back :slight_smile:

Path was in Desktop/folder/folder/
But today it asked (in 2 of my computers) about Prey program (preyproject) and it just kept asking me in main PC. I disabled protection and waited a bit. I think Prey updated or something, that’s why Sandbox alerts were triggered.