
I am trying out your antivirus and have a couple questions about your autosandbox. When the Autosandbox activates (in the free version) does it only run for a limited time? Most installers (that i have tried it with) have not even finished unpacking before the sandbox says it does not identify it as malware. Most of the time it does not catch the packed malware untill the sandbox says it did not find anything and it is ran normally.(in my experience just playing with it in a vm for a couple hours) This is its normal behavior? It does not let the installer finish unpacking to find out whats in it before saying it did not find anything? Or am i using it wrong?


some info here…

Also see - AutoSandbox – why are you annoying me?

also see the help file in top right corner when avast is open

and here

Pondus, i appreciate the reply, but those do not answer any of my questions

When i installed it on a real machine, win 7 64 bit sp1 fully updated, clean image, just windows and drivers, it wont boot past bios screen so i have moved on,
so thread can be closed.
