AV Comparative

Thanks for the protection and the excellent ratings. :slight_smile:

Good (excellent) test results.
Just thinking about three missed features at the end: will any of them even added to AMS?

Parental Control: Features to control or observe the activity of children on the device
Backup: Personal data can be saved to SD-card or cloud storage
Encryption: Any kind of encryption is supported (e.g. device encryption, SD-card encryption or VPN)

Well, in fact, I’m thinking if it is only Kaspersky that is looking for parental control.
I’m with an statistic that 22,02% of the American children enter in pornographic sites while being blocked by its own app.
Virtual stores are in second place, 19,50%, and social networks with 18,88%.
The study has a lot of other interesting data to make someone think on a parental control feature, specially in mobiles.

The last thing I need is parental control and I’m sure there are many others like me.
No Kids why add additional baggage to what’s currently an excellent program.
Backups are already handled by other apps. :slight_smile:

Well Tech, you know there is going to be a Backup app by AVAST, I actually think you even tried it already :slight_smile:


Yeah, I know. What about the other two?

I probably wouldn’t say even if I knew :slight_smile:


Can we discuss this in the Uberevangelist forum or even this group has access denied to this information?

I’m in no position to disclose new features or products without prior permission to do so, so no, I can’t tell either way, sorry.


Ok. We understand.