Today Av-Comparatives announced Mobile Security test for the year 2010, but i don’t see avast! antivirus involved in there and only ESET, TrendMicro, Kaspersky and F-Secure.
We hope avast! antivirus can consider to develop this tool for mobile security protection in the future and not only limited only for some gadgets…go forth!!
"The myriad various architectures and platforms make it difficult for a malware author to target a big number of devices," says Ondrej Vlcek, chief technology officer of Avast. "It's just not worth the hassle to create a virus that will only target a platform with [a small] market share."
David Goldschlag, VP of Mobile for McAfee, agrees. “People chase the money. [Malware] either targets large platforms or very specialized targets. Smartphones kind of live in the middle. They aren’t a lot of them relative to PCs, and they’re not managing critical infrastructure.”