AV Comparatives for Whole Product Dynamic Test (rev.Sept 2010)

Dear All,

Last nite i got notification at my facebook page about the new test result from AV-Comparatives, even though it’s look not completed yet and the final will announced at December but if we look at the graphic bar result. It was looked avast only detected 95% and instead of that for others product which i never see their have a good protection in term of web access protection can reach the good percentage value.

Please visit and open : hxxp://www.av-comparatives.org/images/stories/test/dyn/wholedynamic2010.pdf

If you believe AV-Comparatives then AVIRA and AVG are better than avast! ::slight_smile:

Nice one.

the report contains too few details to evaluate exactly why we “failed” here…

This thread is duplicate with http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=64220.0.
Closing for now (if you want to discuss the topic please proceed to the original thread).
