I just saw the results of the last test at av-comparatives for November, and it looks like avast is doing better detection then some of the other antiviruses in this test. I hope that in future avast will have better detection rate and achieve Advance level
Actually the latest test is the Retrospective/ProActive Test in which even without heuristic avast! scored pretty well, compared with other AVs ;D
Keep the good work Alwil Maybe with avast! 5 the results will change (Advanced + ) : ;D
We, the users, are never satisfied…
We, the users, are never satisfied... http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25285.0You are right Tech, we are not :P....But i was thinking on something lately, we the users can also help Alwil to make better detection on avast! for example if there were more graduated malware experts on our forum, then they would have access to sites for uploading and investigating new malwares, and of course they could have upload those new malware files to Alwil, and probably most of them already investigated...But this is just a thought ;) ;D
Is there every month a Antivirus test,in this magazine?
Well not every month but nearly, also every test is different and it examine different features and settings and etc…